Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Greetings from the Apple Isle

Janet trying to sleep on the Spirit of Tasmania

Rose and Ava watching as the ship leaves Melbourne

Brian at Ye Olde Post Office, Smithton

Janet playing peek-a-boo through a rose bush at Ye Olde Post Office

Our long awaited holiday has finally arrived. We are now in beautiful Tasmania. And one of the most fantastic things is that we finally have computer access. At home, not only does my mobile not work and the landline work only when it feels like it, our internet access is so restricted we may as well not have it. I thought changing to broadband would solve our access problems but it certainly didn't. We sometimes feel very isolated from the world. Calls don't come through or they constantly drop out. So much for being in contact with the outside world! So if you've been wondering where I've been, I've mainly been just at home, out of contact with everyone.

It's six years since we visited Tasmania. Last time we were here I ended up with the flu. Couldn't just get an ordinary cold. Oh, no, had to get the flu. So I missed a lot of the holiday last time. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again. And it may be a good idea to keep everything crossed as two days after we arrive home I have to go to hospital for the fifth operation on my right foot. This time it's to take the plate out. Just hope the anaesthetist remembers he tried to really make me go to sleep last year and doesn't do it again. I really would like to wake up afterwards!

Tasmania has put on the most fantastic weather for us. Today was so sunny yet not hot. Also very little wind and no rain. Heaven on earth. Wonder how long it will last. Today we drove through some very pretty little country towns. You get a sleepy little seaside village nestled at the bottom of some very rugged hills. They look like something out of Doc Martin. Didn't see him, though.

We wandered through a beautiful old mansion today. It has been extensively renovated but some parts have been left in the old, worn state. Very interesting. When we went into the main bedroom I got an enormous fright. I knew only Brian and I were in the room yet I could hear a woman sobbing. Turned out to be a tape playing from an old dresser. It couldn't be seen so the sound was very effective.

Tonight we are are staying in a very beautiful old home. Apparently it was the local house for the postmaster. Very high ceilings, lots of beautiful pictures and absolutely divine rooms. We are the only guests staying here so we have the place to ourselves. I could pack up all my things and just move in here. As the owners are away, the key was left for us at the butcher shop next door. Yep, that's the country for you.

Tomorrow we head for Strahan where we will spend three days. Providing the weather stays good, we are planning to go on a cruise down the Gordon River. And on one of the days we will be heading to Queenstown (the place that looks like the end of civilization) by bus and coming back on the Wilderness Train. It takes 45 minutes to get to Queenstown and the train trip back takes 4 hours!! Will find out why the long time in the next couple of days.

So keep checking back on this blog and see what we have been up to. Unfortunately our mobiles have no reception: It's just like being at home. As long as we have internet access I will be able to keep everyone updated. So if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know we're out of range ...... again.

Please feel free to leave comments on this blog, they will let me know you've been following what we are doing. Also, let your family, friends and anyone esle who you think may be interested in the blog know about it so they can follow it as well. OK, yes, I do want to feel important. Stay safe and hopefully I can update you from Strahan.

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